Disha Patani, who is currently busy prepping for her upcoming film Bharat, wished her fans a happy Diwali on Instagram alongside a gorgeous picture from her latest photoshoot. But the photograph didn’t go down well with a section of her followers who incessantly trolled her.
The actress, who models for Calvin Klein India, Instagrammed a Diwali-special post, in which she paired a lehenga from Sukriti and Aakriti couture with a Calvin Klein bra-let.
In the picture, Disha can be seen wearing a peach sports bra with a colour-coordinated lehenga and dupatta. In the comments thread, while some Instagram users extended their best wishes to the actress, others slut-shamed her.
One user wrote, “Don’t disrespect our Indian tradition on Diwali,” while another said, “Don’t destroy the simplicity of Indian clothes.”
Disha, however, chose to ignore her haters by simply disabling the comments on her feed.
Filmfare website was trolled for posting a digitally altered image but later on it was found that Disha herself has altered her image. Filmfare in their blog said “When we investigated further, we realized that the actor herself had digitally altered the picture, and replaced the original picture with a new one.”
This is how the image posted by Filmfare looked like in there feed.
While Disha Patani’s photo complied with the aesthetics sense of 1,875,889 (and counting) fans, who sent out thumbs up to the picture, some dismissed it as “nonsense”: “What kind of nonsense is this. At least don’t wear such clothes in Diwali,” read a comment while another added: “Don’t advertise your bra at least in Diwali.”
However, there appears no room for trolls on Disha Patani’s Instagram. If you’re wondering whether she removed her Diwali photo after being outfit shamed, here’s what she did – the actress simply disabled comments on her feed after some 7,000 responses and the post continued to remain on her timeline and garner more likes. Smart move, Disha!
Whatever it is Disha is already trending in controversies. To add more she is well aware of how to stay in the news.