Natural Star Nani’s latest movie Gang Leader whose title inspired from Megastar Chiranjeevi’s all time hit is being released in Amazon Prime. The film, which has recently hit the audience in the wake of Revenge Drama, on September 13th. The film has impressed all classes but still a mixed talk prevailed. The film was not able to raise the box office at the expected level. The film, which has a pre-release business of around Rs 30 crore, has earned a share of Rs 20 crore so far. However, the film still seems to be running in some multiplex theaters.
It was a surprise, as this movie Gang Leader was released and made available on digital platforms within a months time. Amazon Prime owns the digital rights of the movie. As part of that, the film was released today the October 10th on Amazon Prime. While the movie is still in theaters, there was a lot of criticism from netizens about how to upload it. The streaming of the movie was stopped few hours ago by Amazon Prime. The producers panel has asked media service providers to release any movie into a digital platform only after a 40-day theatrical run.
Prime, however, breaks these rules and releases films more than 40 days in advance. By doing this, the producers are safe, but the buyers suffer greatly. Now we should see if producers panel will take any action on this early release of movies in digital platforms. If this process continues, it should come as no surprise that in the coming days, movies and theaters will be available on Digital Platform.
On the other hand if movies are available in Digital platforms so early there could be death to piracy too in coming days. This kind of gesture is also a boon to some extent as people would love to watch their favorite movies legally rather that pirated versions.
Also See: Anjana Yelavarthy Wiki (Wife of Nani)